Tuesday, March 2

Shop Talk Update

Shop Talk: You may be wondering if I'm even still writing. Have I tried to sell any more of my work? Was it just a phase I was going through? Yes, Yes, No. I am still actively working on my writing. I currently have a short picture book submission out in slush pile land, as well as a couple of magazine submissions. I plan on working on an historical fiction - perhaps non-fiction - piece starting this week. It's about a man from our local area who was the parson at a church here. He fought in one of the most pivotal battles of the Revolutionary War. His story has been on my mind for many months and it's time to get it on paper. Funny how a story can stew in my mind for so long, then all of a sudden I'm ready to write it. That's what happened with the picture book story I sent out. It started with a title. That's it. No real idea what it would be about. Then one day as I was folding laundry the first verse of the story jumped into my head. It even rhymes! Crazy. So, while I'm a LONG way from bringing home the bacon, so to speak, writing continues to make me happy.

I spent the better part of today at Katie's state ski meet. In a word: AWESOME! My girl skied fantastic! There were skiers from all over the state there. Over 100 girls skied and Katie came in 32nd!!! She came in first for her team!! I am one proud mama! Clearly all of her athletic ability comes from my side of the family - haha.