Tuesday, September 8


I just finished watching the President's speech to school children (I recorded it while I was at work). I have to say that I found it inspiring. If you haven't seen it, click here to read a transcript of the speech. The speech - to me - seemed to encourage students to take accountability for their education. President Obama pointed out that even adversity in the lives of our youth is no excuse for them to turn their backs on school or to be disrespectful to teachers and other authority figures. I liked that. He even gave examples of students from various parts of our country who have overcome great odds to achieve their educational goals. The speech was given at a High School in Arlington, VA. After he was done speaking, President Obama went down to the crowd and shook hands with staff and students from the school. I watched as students expressed their excitement over meeting the president with big smiles and kind words for him. The respect they showed was commendable. I liked that too. I know there was a lot of hub bub about the whole speech and I honestly don't know why. Cspan also showed former presidents Reagan and Bush addressing school children and I plan to watch those speeches later. I'm interested to see what challenge those presidents presented to ME and my classmates. Anyway, I was inspired this afternoon as I watched our president speak to the youth of America and I just wanted you to know.