Thursday, September 10


Katie ran in her first ever cross-country meet yesterday. I almost didn't go. Katie said she didn't really want me to go - nerves I think. Then we decided that I would go because she didn't want to ride the bus back to school and risk missing her youth group meeting last night. I admit that I wasn't sure AT ALL what to expect. I got there and just followed the crowd heading up the hill , hoping that they were heading to the race and not some other sporting event happening at the school. We topped the hill as the starting gun fired and the girls were off. I had no idea where to be to see the race. Fortunately I found a couple of friends with kids on the team, and they clued me in. Thank goodness. I wasn't expecting to know anyone there! I saw my girl finish the first lap (there were three for a total of 5K) and cheered her on. It was actually very cool. I was proud then. But not as proud as I was when she was making that final climb up a steep incline to the finish line. She came up the hill coughing. I was clapping and urging her on. She looked at me and said, "I think I'm going to throw up." UGH. I felt bad for her. The only thing I could do to help her is encourage her to keep going! The finish line was in sight and she was just about there. "Keep going! Don't stop!" I yelled. My friend Donna looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "Oh, that poor thing!" We both turned our heads just in time to see Katie sprinting to the finish line, determined to beat the girl in front of her. I don't know where she got that last burst of energy! I went and found her after the race and gave her a Powerade. She was all smiles and feeling good about her achievement! That's my girl... I'll have to Facebook her exact time and finish position after she gets home from school. She didn't get that info before we left the meet. Next week is a home meet. While I was apprehensive about yesterday's meet - not knowing what to expect - I'm downright excited about next week's!

Becky and Allison start piano lessons today. This will be the first time for Allison! She's very excited. The fact that she is so young means that most of her practice time will be with me helping her. It's a pretty big commitment on my part and one that I hope I'm ready for. Becky practices all on her own with very little help from me. She's becoming quite a good pianist! Katie doesn't take lessons anymore but she'll sit and the piano and play sometimes. She has a knack for teaching herself to play a song that she's heard on the radio or somewhere. Becky hasn't shown whether she can do that or not yet. She seems more comfortable reading the music. It'll be interesting to see how Allison does...