Tuesday, August 18

Two Days In A Row?!

Don't fall off your chair or anything. I know you're surprised to see me here again today! I can't say how long this daily blogging will last so just enjoy it for today!!

We are definitely in a heat wave! I love it! The girls have been in the pool everyday for most of the day. I've even been joining them - that's how hot it is! To think, I was actually planning to sell the pool at the beginning of the season -- glad that didn't happen! I think we've used the pool more this year than in the past!! Today will surely be another lounge by/in the pool kind of day!! Funny how it makes me SO tired to lounge!! What's up with that!

We sold Ed's Jeep yesterday - Thank you Craigslist!! If you have something - ANYTHING - to sell you've got to try Craigslist. It works people! We sold Ed's boat and Jeep using it and both buyers showed up with cash and took their new possessions with them. Got to love that!!! The only downside to that is we now have only one vehicle until we can find a new one for Ed! If it wasn't summertime that would be a BIG problem. Right now it's not really a big deal. Ed will drop in at lunch time and we'll take him back to work. I think we're going to check out the Toyota Corolla lease specials. The man literally drives to and from work so he just needs a little car (a reliable car) to get him where he needs to go!

You know that whole thing with the bats dying off? And honey bees disappearing? Well I think crickets are quieter than usual this year. It's just my uneducated theory but I honestly haven't noticed the chirp, chirping that usually accompanies August nights. Where are they? Robby? Do you know something!?

I finally purchased some re-usable bags from Stop & Shop! YAY ME! I feel so environmentally responsible!! I bought five and probably should get a couple more for those extra big shopping trips! I love how they fit so much stuff and I can save a little money every time I use them!! I made sure to stick them in the little storage compartment in my car as soon as I was done putting things away! I don't want to get to the store and not have them!

I spent an hour with Goliath's evil twin yesterday morning. Remember Goliath? He's the ginormous spider who terrorized my family for an entire day until Ed smashed him with a 2x4. Remember? Anyway, I was in the garage - cleaning Ed's Jeep - when I saw him crawling up the wall. He taunted me by dropping to the ground and then creeping back up to his preferred vantage point. He did that a couple of times. A smart arachnid, he positioned himself perilously close to the broom knowing full well that that would be my weapon of choice if I wasn't too afraid to grab it! I did my best to ignore him. I couldn't look at him for too long or I'd start to hyperventilate! I finished my cleaning and scooted carefully into the refuge of my house, locking the door behind me! Later, when Ed was home, I bravely went back into the garage. Goliath II was gone. Probably looking for a way into my house!!! UGH!!

Happy Tuesday - it is Tuesday right? Ah, summer...