Monday, August 17

Miscellaneous Update

Went to see Time Traveler's Wife last night with my friend Natalie. It. Was. So. Good. Read the book if you haven't - then go see the movie! It's a fascinating story about true love under extraordinary circumstances. Natalie and I both thought it stayed true to the book - which sometimes doesn't happen.

I'm planning to teach Allison to tie her shoes today...Now, don't go judging me for not having done it yet... I've been busy... actually I've forgotten all about it! The child lives in flip flops...Flip flops don't tie...It's not like she'll go to college without knowing how... Stop judging me!!... :)

Ed is back to work today after his two weeks off. What a great time we had as a family! It was great just to be together. I miss him today - it's awfully quiet around here!

A man is coming to buy Ed's Jeep today. We don't have a replacement vehicle yet. I guess we'd better get one, huh? He just drives to and from work so we were planning to get him a little car that would be good on gas and cheaper to pay for. We'll see...

My writing submission is due to my critique group today. Being the Queen of Procrastination that I am I have put it off and off and off. It isn't done. It's no where near done. Writing with my children home (and my husband for two weeks) has been pretty near impossible. This has been a struggle for me from the beginning of this writing venture. I think I'll have to fess up to my CG and tell them I'm not ready...

School starts in 15 days. Part of me is looking forward to the routine of it. Part of me is dreading the routine of it. I always feel a bit sad when school starts. The girls look instantly older. Changes are everywhere. Gone are the carefree days of summer with no routines, no bedtimes, and no hurry! I love being home with them - even when they're arguing, or grouchy, or impossible. They like being home too - homebodies, that's what I have - and I love it!