Friday, August 21

Growing Like A Weed...

Took Allison and Becky for their physicals today. Becky grew FIVE inches since last year!! YIKES! She is 4' 11 1/2" tall!! I can't even believe it. She was the longest of my babies and I'm sure she'll be the tallest of the three girls. Fortunately for my children they do have some height on Ed's side of the family. There aren't as many tall folk on my side. The only one I can really think of is my Uncle Arthur. Ed's family (well, his mom's side anyway) are a little taller than mine. I'm hoping Becky will see ANYTHING over 5'3"! It's true what they say - Growing like weeds!

I've decided that I'm happy. Does that sound strange? I honestly can't think of anything to be UNhappy about so that must make me happy, right? I mean, I have a great husband, great kids, a roof over my head, good health for me and my family, and a God who loves and cares about me - what's NOT to be happy about! I think it can be that simple - just decide to be happy and you can be! At least that's my philosophy for today!

A man at church on Sunday made me sad though. He's a veteran who served our country in three wars. He said that he feels like the sacrifices he and his comrades made for our country weren't worth it. Why? Well, I vowed to keep the Blog POLITIC free, so let me just say that he indicated that the ideals in this country have changed and the things we fought for once are not upheld and respected today. Made me sad. For him and others like him. And for me and others like me who want to believe that the things that made this country great are still the things that make this country great... I'm a patriot what can I say...

Speaking of Patriots - Don't you just love that movie The Patriot with Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger? You probably thought I was going to say something about the Patriots football team didn't you? I don't know anything about that. Sorry. But if you haven't see The Patriot you just have to!! Wow, talk about a bunny trail.

The sky is a scary dark gray color at the moment. I should check the Weather Channel to see if it's going to rain. How funny is that!? I could just look out the window to see the current weather but instead I actually get on the computer to check instead. Strange.

Mom and I are going to see the Rockettes in NYC for their Christmas show!! I'm so excited! First of all, I've often wondered what the big deal is with the Rockettes. And secondly, it'll be so fun to do NYC with just my mom and me for the day!!! We're doing it the tourist way where we take a bus trip into the city especially for the show and they leave us enough time to SHOP and EAT then they bring us home - PERFECT. Can't wait!

So, please be impressed that this is my 5th day in a row blogging! I know, one minute I've disappeared off the face of blogger world and the next minute you can't get rid of me!!

Happy Weekend Everyone!