Thursday, August 20

Four And counting...

This has been such an uneventful week...The kind of week where we slept late because we had no where to be...The kind where we've just hung around the house...Sometimes this kind of week makes me crazy - we're all bored, the girls are grouchy, etc. But this week has been really nice. Maybe it's because we've had a busy summer. Camp, Ed home for two weeks, camp again, Maine (three times so far!)... It's nice to have a laid back week... :)

Speaking of going to Maine three times -so far... We'll be heading back next week for Ed's brother's wedding. Randy and Christy are getting married at Chop Point - outside. We've been praying for a sunny warm day for them! Unfortunately our trip will be extra short since school starts that next Tuesday and we want to get home and chill for a moment before the busyness of school takes over our lives.

I think this is the problem with blogging on a regular basis...I don't have anything real inspired to write about. You're probably thinking that I NEVER have anything inspired to write about! But I think you know what I mean. Seriously, who cares that I'm vacuuming my floor today or lounging by the pool. The Blog needs MEAT! And I don't have any to offer - sorry... How 'bout them Red Sox...