Saturday, August 22


Becky and Allison had a 'camp out' in my room last night. Basically, we blew up an air mattress and they got to sleep in my room. Allison thinks that's the greatest thing ever. She has made it abundantly clear that she does NOT like to sleep by herself in own room. So, these special times of sleeping in Mom's room or in Becky's room are very dear to her. It worked out to be quite convenient because there was a thunder storm and since they were already in my room Ed and I didn't have our sleep interrupted by fearful girls!

Since I've banned Hannah Montana from our house I've been looking for other shows for the girls to watch. Always a trick to find things that will appeal to all age groups and be appropriate for all age groups! Right now they are watching Endurance on Discovery Kids channel. Seems like a good one. Any suggestions would be GREAT!

Lucy needs to go for her annual vet exam. The reminder card says I need to bring a 'fecal sample'!! EWWWW! That's disgusting! I don't think I want to do that. Maybe I'll just tell the vet that Lucy's poop looks just fine to me!! YUCK. I know, just what you wanted to read about... Sorry.

Lazy Saturday morning around here - but we'll be heading out for some school shopping after lunch - or breakfast, because as of right now (10:37 a.m.) no one has eaten b'fast yet!!

Happy Weekend!