Thursday, May 14

Ah, Spring & Other Ramblings

Ah, to see the leaves on the trees and the lilacs about to bloom. The crab apple tree's pastel pink blossoms are at their peak and each of the vegetable rows I planted are peaking through the soil. Spring time is full of new life. On our way home from piano lessons this afternoon the girls and I got to see two baby donkeys and a baby Shetland pony. Sweet baby animals. New life. Precious. I love spring. Even on rainy windy days, I love spring. Inhale deeply with me and smell all the newness of spring...

Shop Talk: I submitted my baseball article to ANOTHER magazine today. That's number four. It's an article I believe in so I'll keep submitting it until I find the one that wants it. The reasons it's been rejected by other mags is that they simply didn't need any baseball material at the moment. I even got a nice hand written note from an editor. That's okay. We'll find a home for it someday.
I've been working on a fiction piece and quite frankly it's turning my brain to mush!! There's so much I want/need to include and I'm getting overwhelmed. It's been in my head for awhile and now it needs to be on paper. That's always the hard part for me, transferring what makes sense in my mind to having it make sense in written form. I'll keep plugging away at it. I'm actually using an outline this time. I don't usually like outlines but it's the only way I can remotely keep track of details.

Mom and Dad are coming tomorrow. YAY! It's always fun to have them down. They were here for Easter but somehow it seems longer ago than that.

Time to bring Katie to soccer practice. There's a chance of thunderstorms in awhile. I won't tell Katie - she'll completely freak out! Hopefully soccer will be all done before any rumblings get started!