Tuesday, January 6

A Wild Turkey Slammed Into Katie's Bus...

That's right. A wild turkey - in flight - slammed into the passenger side of Katie's bus yesterday morning. The bus was on its way to school - before it got to our stop - when the turkey hit it. Apparently the crazy, kamikaze, bird managed to crack the windshield and everything. So, due to the damage caused by said turkey, the bus had to pull over and wait - with children on it - for another bus to come and pick up the kids and take them to school. Standard operating procedure I guess. The turkey, bless his little heart, ran into the woods and wasn't located after the accident. Some coyote enjoyed a late Thanksgiving, no doubt!

We have a new family member. I can't believe I keep forgetting to tell you! Becky bought herself a HAMSTER (with permission, of course!)!! His name is LUKE - funny name for a hamster, huh? And he is a Roborovski hamster. He looks like a Siberian dwarf but the Robos have been bred to reduce BITING! So far the little bugger won't let anyone pick him up but we have been able to pet him a bit. Lucy tried to taste him through the glass of his little home, but she has since lost interest in him and his hamster antics. He's awfully cute and Becky loves him.

I get to work with Buddy this afternoon! I'm so glad. I hope he is adjusting to Back to School well after such a long Christmas break. We'll see. I can put up with anything he dishes out for 2.5 hours!!

We are supposed to get another Winter Storm tonight into tomorrow. This one will start as snow and change to sleet and freezing rain, then back to snow. Fun!! That's when it gets tricky to shovel!! That's right, I said shovel. The snow blower has been on the fritz since last winter and they are just too EXPENSIVE to go out and pick up another one. So we shovel - I say we but I mean Ed. Sometimes I shovel but only if it isn't too deep or too heavy. Katie shovels too. She's actually quite good at it and if she isn't careful it could become her permanent JOB!!

Happy Tuesday!