Friday, January 9

Pretty Boring Stuff

It's Friday. What can I say? It's been a pretty slow news week in our house. Everyone is healthy - YAY! I haven't forgotten any special appointments this week, like basketball or piano lessons. My house is clean...pretty boring stuff around here. I will say that I'm getting a bit tired of the cold and snow. I know, I know, it's way to early to be complaining about it! It's only January after all and winter in New England lasts a LONG time! I guess I haven't settled into the winter routine yet. Do you feel like January is kind of a tough month? I mean, the holidays are over, it's cold, it's snowy, warm weather is far away still...and there's 31 days of it!! Yeah, January is tough. On the other hand. I love the evening time when we all hang out together in the family room. Sometimes we are cozy under a blanket watching a show or reading a book. Sometimes the girls are running around like crazy people. And sometimes everyone is doing their own thing in the same room. We don't hang out as much when it's warm out. We DO stuff. Soccer in the front yard, go for a walk or bike ride, play with the neighbors. So I guess I like the down time of winter.

Becky lost her boots yesterday. We thought she left them on the bus but I checked with the bus driver this morning and - no boots. I told her to check at school, again. She does have her pair from last year which I will bring to school in a little while. But they are tight on her toes. If we don't locate her new boots she'll be getting another pair of new boots. That's one thing we can't live without is BOOTS. And in all fairness I should say that the missing boots are LL Bean hand me downs from Katie. So technically Becky didn't get brand new boots this year. No one did actually. We had hand me downs! And Katie's feet haven't grown so she'll be wearing her boots until they need replacing! No one needed new winter coats either. That was nice on the pocket book! That's how I justify spending a little extra on good winter outerwear. I figure it'll last and we'll be able to pass it down! That's one of the many great things about my children all being girls!

Time to get somethings accomplished! Happy Weekend!