Thursday, January 1

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! Time is just trucking along, isn't it? 2009. Yowza! I remember when we were all worried about Y2K. Remember that? Seems silly now but WAY back then it seemed like a real possibility that computers everywhere would cease to function normally when the century turned from 1999 to 2000 causing wide spread catastrophes world wide --- wow, that was a looonng sentence. Anyway I hope 2009 is off to a great start for you all.

We got a nice surprise today. Ed's father and his wife were on their way through town after visiting family in Missouri and they stopped by for a visit. They couldn't stay long but it was nice to have a little bit of time with them just the same.

Ed, Becky, and Allison enjoyed their camp out in the family room last night. Here's a picture of their makeshift tent. Well, there would be a picture of their tent except that Blogger seems to be having some technical difficulties. Go figure.

So. I already told you that I don't do resolutions. However, I've been thinking back on 2008 and the things that shaped the year for our family. Here's a few highlights:

* My first born became a teenager... That's pretty huge -- trust me.
* The article I wrote about sweet Lucy was published!
* We went to New York City for the first time and had SO much fun!
* Allison graduated from pre-school. (sniff, sniff)
* My father turned 60!
* We spent Fourth of July celebrating with friends and family in Maine - a true highlight of our summer!
* Katie and Becky enjoyed a week of summer camp with their best friends from Maine. It was a great week.
* My baby girl started Kindergarten. That's a biggie.
* Katie was homeschooled and then not homeschooled. A tough decision but one I am still confident was the right decision.
* I went to work outside of our home for the first time in nearly 14 years!
* Katie had a 'star' moment at her soccer tournament where she scored the game winning goal.
* Becky grew like four inches between September and December!

So those are some significant events from last year. Some of those things represent things that brought me closer to my God. Some of them just represent fun times spent with the people we love and care about. And some of them are just things. It was a good year. We were all healthy. Our family was healthy. My husband has a job; we have a roof over our heads and plenty of food to eat; we live in the most wonderful country on earth. 'Nuf said.

Happy 2009!