Monday, January 26

Another 'DUH' Moment...

You may have noticed some changes here on The Blog. Some of them good - some of them irritating! Like the fact that none of my posts have had dates on them or comments! I tried and tried to change settings to fix the problem, but nothing worked! Finally, last night in a rare moment of clarity I realized that I had set my font color to be the same as the background color! No wonder things weren't showing up! DUH! Problem solved, fixed, and otherwise remedied! YAHOO! By the way, the picture at the top of The Blog is of the mountains around us. Aren't they beautiful!?

My dog has some sort of intestinal problem...Can you say GROSS! Not sure what's caused it. Doesn't really matter, we just want it fixed! Other than some disgusting trips to the backyard she is acting completely fine. Which is why she hasn't gone to the vet. I did a bit of reading online to see if there were some remedies I could try at home. She's on a rice and beef diet mixed with 2 tablespoons of canned pumpkin. We also gave her a couple of doses of Pepto. Don't ask me about the pumpkin - I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it. A can of pumpkin and some pepto bismal costs a whole lot less than a trip to the vet! We'll see if things improve!

Must go fold some laundry! Happy Monday!