Saturday, December 20

What A Week

As of my last post everyone was healthy in this family. Monday night Becky began running a fever. She had a nasty cough and with her past history of asthma I was concerned that the fever may be indicating something serious. So Tuesday morning I hauled her to the doctor. Her chest was fine. BUT she had strep throat. EWWW. She wasn't really acting to sick but she had that LOOK about her, like she just wasn't herself. After a couple of doses of miracle medicine she was just fine. Wednesday she went to school and I worked all day. It was kind of a funky day because the only real thing accomplished in any classroom in the school was practice for the chorus/band concert that afternoon. I actually got paid to watch rehearsals and the actual concert. I worked Thursday too, and it was a more normal day. Thursday night I took the girls to the mall for some shopping for friends' presents. I felt fine when we left to go there, but by the time we got home I was wiped out and had a sore throat. Friday morning I was supposed to go in and help with Becky's class party. I got up and ready determined to go. BUT, the more I moved around, the worse I felt. Before I knew it I was wrapped in multiple blankets on the couch. I felt awful! Fortunately I got in to see the doctor early and started my miracle medicine by lunch time. I still felt pretty awful ALL day and dozed on and off for the entire afternoon. My wonderful husband worked from home so I could stay permanently stuck to my sick bed, aka the couch in the living room. By 9 p.m. I felt slightly more human and I slept okay. But even today it feels like I'm swallowing razor blades - my throat is still so, so sore! Ed decided he should also take a trip to the doctor because his throat was a bit sore and he was starting to feel achey. Sure enough STREP for him too! So three out of five of us with strep throat - FUN! I'm just hoping that Katie and Allison don't get it! Or if they do that it will be well before Christmas when we're travelling to Maine!
We got about 8 - 10 inches of snow yesterday and last night. It's very pretty. The girls have been out playing in it. We're supposed to get another storm tomorrow. I guess we're pretty much guaranteed a white Christmas! I do love the snow! Now we get to put our new SUV to the test and find out its real worthiness. It has to be better than the van. That thing couldn't make it up the hill to our house in the snow sometimes. I'll let you know.