Sunday, December 21

Little Update

Another snow storm is pounding us as we speak. It didn't really get going until around 7 this morning. It's very windy too which makes it difficult to tell if it is really snowing or just blowing around what's already on the ground. We have a beautiful view of the western sky from our house and on a clear day the mountains rise up as the backdrop to the city. Today there are no mountains or city visible. Becky is on her way to a swimming party and Allison's basketball game is still on (for now). That's life in New England - no little blizzard is going to slow us down!!

Katie and Allison are still healthy. Ed seems to be doing fine. I honestly can't remember being this sick in a long, long time! The glands on my neck are huge - like you can see them from a mile away! I'm still swallowing razor blades. And I run out of energy pretty quick. We're talking DAY 3 people! When is the miracle medicine going to work? I've had quite enough of this being sick business, thank you very much. Today I'm just going to do what I've got to do - sick or not. That includes taking a shower. I don't think I'm contagious anymore since I've been on the antibiotic for THREE days. I think I'm going to have me some breakfast too.

Is your Christmas shopping done? Mine, you ask,--- not so much. Close though. Even though I haven't spent gobs of time shopping I have been enjoying the many Christmas shows on TV. Lifetime has had some totally sappy, goofy, corny movies on, that have been pretty entertaining. And there always seems to be some special on for the kids before bedtime. Last night they watched a Charlie Brown show that was really cute.

I will say that I am thankful to be sick now instead of a few days from now. And I'm thankful for my dog. She lays down next to the couch whenever I'm resting. She puts her nose up next to my face and waits for a pat on the head. Then she lays down again. She loves me. Sweet girl.