Tuesday, October 21

Shop Talk & Finding Favor with God

Shop Talk: "Whoopie Pie" is on its way to Kid Zone magazine. This article was my tenth and final assignment for the writing course I took. I'm officially done! I say that with a bit of hesitation because I'm nervous about being on my own. The course motivated me to write something. It gave me an 'assignment' which had to be completed at a certain time. I liked that accountability. It will harder now to be motivated, but I have my critique group. They are encouraging and inspiring. With all the changes in our daily schedules since school started it's no wonder I've been too busy to focus. Now things are settling down and I can take time to get to it!
A few days ago I got a forwarded e-mail regarding some political stuff and some religious stuff combined. It was interesting enough that I did in fact forward it to a few people I thought would also find it interesting. As these things go it got forwarded many more times by people I sent it to. A day after I e-mailed it I got a response from someone I don't know. She (I assume it was a woman) seemed very offended that the e-mail contained some, what she considered false, religious information. She went so far as to say that our country was NOT founded on christian beliefs but rather the belief that we should all worship as we choose. That of course is NOT true so I had to respond back to her. Our country was founded by people who wanted to worship GOD. BIBLICAL principles guided our forefathers and set the foundation for this country. Shame on anyone who doesn't acknowledge the truth of that. As we have gotten away from God and our foundation the evidence is clear that things are literally crumbling around us. The blessings of living in a country that worships the one true God are disappearing as people turn their backs on Him and look to other FALSE gods. So this woman and I have exchanged a couple of e-mails back and forth. She is clearly misled about who God is and seems confident that anyone who loves God will find favor with Him. True enough that those of us who love Him will find favor with Him but she seemed to miss the most important part. We need to acknowledge the fact that we all sin; we needed Jesus to die and take the punishment for those sins; we need to ask Him to forgive us and cleanse us; we need to ask Him to come into our lives and fill us with His Holy Spirit; and we need to thank Him for loving us enough to save us. You can love God in word only or you can love Him through your faith and belief in what He did for you. That's when we find 'favor' with Him. We have to be saved in order to truly LOVE Him and have a REAL relationship with Him. I expressed all of this to this woman and my prayer is that she (and you) will take this seriously and accept Jesus as "the way, the truth, and the life."