Friday, October 24

Gappy Grinned Girl

Check out that gappy grin! Allison lost her first front tooth the other day while she was at school. I worked in the library that afternoon so I got to see her and hear all about it from her and her friends! I just love the gappy grin but it does mark the end of that baby toothed smile I've loved for the past five and a half years :( She's definitely loosing her teeth earlier than her sisters - it's got to be that "I've got to keep up with my sisters" attitude -LOL! Apparently Allison has a less than positive view of the tooth fairy, although I honestly don't know why. Thursday morning she came into my room with her empty tooth pillow and announced that the tooth fairy didn't come. I insisted that she had indeed come because Allison's tooth was gone from the pillow. "But she didn't leave me anything..." We looked high and low and finally found her treasure UNDER the bed. Phew! Then later that night at bedtime Allison told me this story...."When I got up to go to the baffroom in the night I dropped my Beary on the floor. When I got back to my bed from the baffroom I couldn't find my Beary anywhere. I fought the Toof Fairy took him! But then I saw him on the floor." Why, oh why would a little girl think that the tooth fairy stole her bear?! Kind of sad. I assured her that the tooth fairy wouldn't do anything like that. Never a dull moment!

I also need to share some of Allison's artistic ability with you. I'm always amazed by my children's creativeness because I am SO lacking in that area! Especially when it comes to DRAWING anything! They must get their abilities from their Dad.

It's a Giraffe - in case you can't tell - which of course you can because of Allison's exceptional artistic ability!! Never mind about the five legs - she just got carried away is all.