Friday, October 10

A Little Tweak

Isn't it amazing how one little tweak to the daily routine can greatly improve your attitude? I've been suffering from a bit of burn out. There were a couple of things that were setting me over the edge. 1) Getting all three girls upstairs and in bed seems to take FOREVER! I've been desperately missing those days when we'd tuck them in at 7:30 and we'd get a few hours of kid free time before bed. Obviously Katie and Becky are a bit old to go to bed at 7:30 so I've had to be flexible and accommodating while maintaining my sanity. So, without going into all the details, we've come up with a plan that I think will work. The bigger issue seemed to be number 2. I spend A LOT of time in my car making countless trips back and forth from our house to the elementary school, and then our house and the middle school EVERY DAY! That in itself is frustrating enough, but add into that ROAD CONSTRUCTION and it's pretty hard to deal with. I don't have a choice about driving Katie to school for math each day or soccer practice twice a week. But I do have a choice about driving Becky and Allison to school every morning and then driving back to work in the library and then driving back to pick them up once a week. Silly, silly, silly. So now they will ride the bus to school and home everyday. Ahhh...Eliminating one extra trip (sometimes two) a day makes me able to think and function like a normal human being instead of a resentful, irritated, grouchy louse! Driving them to school was fine when I wasn't making extra trips back and forth to Katie's school but times have changed and gas is expensive. One little tweak, I tell ya.

Katie has a soccer tournament this weekend and the weather is supposed to be beautiful! Nothing like a soccer game on a perfect fall day! Or in this case FOUR maybe SIX games!! Happy Weekend!