Wednesday, September 24

My Favorite Time of Day

My favorite time of day is most definitely when the girls get off the bus. Our bus stop is at the end of our street at the corner of a busy road. I drive (sometimes walk) to pick them up there each day. The bus drops them off across the road so they have to cross the busy street. This makes me slightly nervous with Allison because she's just a little tyke who hasn't had much experience crossing the street without her mother! Thankfully her responsible big sister Becky is there to watch out for her. I get out of the car to wait for them to cross. When the kids are given the go ahead by the bus driver to cross, Allison takes off running toward me yelling "Mommy!" Then she grabs me into the biggest, sweetest hug ever. I look forward to that moment every single day. Becky, in her fourth grade-ness, wouldn't dream of making a spectacle of herself in such a way. But I hug her just the same and her sweet smile tells me she's missed me too. I'm glad Katie is home with me each day - she's great company. But, when they're all home together with me is the best. That's when the world feels right again.

What's your favorite time of day?