Monday, July 21


Hey. Long time no see. Summer is my absolute favorite time of year. My girls are home. We lounge in our jammies til 10 if we want. Summer camp and park days are happening and Sebago is just around the corner! Last week was camp week for Katie and Becky. Katie and her friend Alicia went to Word of Life in Schroon Lake, NY. Alicia got sick (along with upwards of about 100 other people over the course of the week) but they both had nothing but rave reviews for the camp and are making plans for next year! Becky and her friend (Alicia's sister) Rachel went to a local camp and had a blast! These two girls and my girls are still the best of friends even though we live hundreds of miles away from them. It's so neat to see how they just pick up where they left off. It's like they've never been apart. And Allison just adores the two of them. I'm so thankful that my girls have friends like Alicia and Rachel - they'll be friends for life.

My friend Katie e-mailed me this today. Please check it out. It's called Cardboard Testimonies. I thought of my friends in Blogger land when I watched it and I immediately wanted to share with you. I hope it will mean something to you.

My dainty little miss has developed quite a love of insects - much to the horror of her mother!! The other day she was digging with her Dora the Explorer shovel and found herself a little worm. The worm actually turned out to be a GRUB. Now I'm pretty sure that grubs aren't insects since they don't really have the three body sections and six legs common to insects but they do qualify as NASTY and CREEPY which are also bug qualities! She has also been known lately to save ladybugs and moths from the swimming pool. Butterflies are a favorite too and at the butterfly conservatory she was beside herself trying to get one to land on her! The other night she was in love with a tiny grasshopper. This is new territory for me. I do a pretty good job of encouraging this new interest of hers without making creeped out faces but inside I'm squirming with the willies!! Here's a couple of pics of Allie and her insect friends.

We are still in hopes of selling our home and we're still looking for the perfect house to buy. I'm so drawn to the older homes and the character they have. It's difficult to find an older home that has some of the same conveniences a newer home has like a garage or a half way usable kitchen. I'm looking forward to finding something we can update and improve while still maintaining the integrity of the home's oldness. We are excited about a place we are going to see tomorrow. While finding a home has been tricky - selling our home has been far more tricky. I'm trying to trust that God has this all worked out according to His perfect plan.

Next week is Sebago Lake!! We are hoping for another beautiful weather week and warm lake water! I think Lucy is dreaming about long swims and naps in the sand...

Shop Talk: My first published article "My Dog Survived Hurricane Katrina" will be in Stories For Children Magazine coming right up in August!! Be on the lookout for a link here when the August issue is available! I also recently mailed my baseball history article to Highlights. It will be weeks before I hear from them. My instructor seemed to really like the piece and she and my critique group had lots of great suggestions for making it stronger. Hopefully I made the most of their input and produced a sellable article! This week I'm getting to work on another new article about Whoopie Pies! Why are they called Whoopie Pies anyway?! Stay tuned to find out!

My blogger friend Heather tagged me to do an ABC's of me post and I fully intend to play along - just not today. Soon. Promise.