Wednesday, July 23

Embarassing Moment of the Day

We went to the Honda dealer to have our van serviced this morning. After an unusually long wait in the 'play' area we (me and the three girls) were getting a bit silly. I tried to teach Becky and Katie the 'wax on, wax off' technique from the Karate Kid. They weren't impressed. We played 'Kick Katie's flip-flop off and watch it go flying out into the hallway' but that got old too. We even started to read a book about using the potty. The book was very graphic in its descriptions of the potty process. For example, one page title was "Where do Poop and Pee come from?" Gross. We put that down in a hurry. Finally we were ready to go. I got my wallet out to pay and became slightly alarmed when I couldn't find my credit card. Relief washed over me as I remembered where I'd put it. I tapped my rear to confirm that it was in my pocket while I said, "I forgot, I got gas." This made the man chuckle and Katie about busted a gut laughing. He left to run the card and Katie said, "Mom, you just smacked your butt and said, 'I got gas!'" We both roared with laughter after that! Speaking of gas, I filled up for $3.97 a gallon this morning - YAY! compared to $4.09 a week ago!