Monday, June 30

YAY! A Recession! - Huh?!

The Good News for today is, HERE! You've got to read this one. I love it because it focuses on the positive aspect of a negative happening; the looming recession. Whoever wrote the article is definitely a glass half full kind of person - and I appreciate that. I agree with the author that if Americans are made to tighten their belts a bit, they may, in fact, spend more time doing things as a family. As opposed to the divide and conquer mentality that is far too easy to slip into. You know what I mean. Parents with more than one child in activities have to tag team to get everyone to their various places. Activities cost money, gas to get there costs money, the fast food you shove into your child on the way there costs money. Less money in our pockets may force us to slow down a bit. I could totally go into the negative, pessimistic view of all this but this is Good News Week after all, so I won't. Enjoy the article!