Sunday, June 29

Fireflies at Night

We went for a walk the other night just as it was getting dark. At the top of our neighborhood (we live on a hillside) there are woods, deep woods. At the edge of the woods we saw LOTS of fireflies twinkling in the dark. It was really something. We all stopped to watch for a few minutes and then made plans to come back the next night to catch some! Before we headed out with our nets, flashlight, and trusty jar with hole poked lid, Allison drew this map (on a preschool graduation card she got) so we could find our way back to the fireflies. Here's the map. As we left the driveway she told us just where to go, according to the map, of course. It was priceless.

The map helped us find our way and we managed to catch a few. Legend has it that if you catch fireflies in a jar and keep them overnight, they will turn to pennies by morning. I remember catching fireflies as a little girl in New York state in some friend's backyard. They did in fact turn into pennies.

I know you can't see the little bugs but they are in there. We left the jar out on the front porch and don't cha know they turned into pennies. Little Miss was pretty excited! She's already talking about the next time we can go. Soon, sweet girl.

Time for Good News. I found this story about John McCain meeting with Billy and Franklin Graham. I liked this story because it reminded me of how important it is to pray for our leaders. I admire the testimony the Graham family has maintained through the years and am thankful for it. It's interesting to me how politicians seek them out, and desire their approval. Hmm.. There's some political stuff in the article too but my focus and reason for choosing it as a good news story have little to do with politics. Enjoy.