Thursday, June 5

This & That

Some things I'm happy about:

It's warm outside and forecasted to get warmer - 90's by Saturday!
My family is healthy and growing strong.
We belong to a fantastic church full of great people.
We've decided to send Katie to christian school next year - she's very excited to go!
My dog is sweet, lovable, and perfectly trained - and the best part is she came to us that way!
Ed's brother is coming down with his family next week.
Opening the pool was a piece of cake this year!
Etc. Etc.

Some things I'm not thrilled about:

That the next presidential election will be Obama vs. McCain
Gas prices and the fact that oil companies are recording record profits
Politics in public school
The very existence of Wal Mart - I despise that place but that's another post
Sending Allison off to Kindergarten in the fall
The neighbor's cat who catches baby bunnies and parades through our yard with them
Finding gray hairs on my head
Doing tick checks - even the idea of doing a tick check and FINDING a tick puts me in a panic

Both of these lists could be much longer but these were the first things that popped into my head. Allison had her K orientation this morning. All went well and she got the cutest t-shirt that says I'm going to Kindergarten at ... next year. They all got a little bag to match. I will say she was much more impressed with the christian school yesterday while we were there visiting. Maybe she and Becky will go to christian school next year - only God knows - we'll just wait and see. I do like our elementary school fine enough I just don't care for the agenda of school committee members and the politics involved when it has absolutely nothing to do with creating a positive learning experience for our children --- don't get me started because that's another post too.

I'm on a cancel everything kind of roll this week. So far I've cancelled Allison's soccer practice, Katie's soccer practice, and piano lessons. After school activities have taken over and I just felt like we needed a break. I don't like running ragged, and honestly most times I don't feel like we are. But this week I did. So, we cancelled. Big sigh. Sometimes stepping back and taking a breather is very good for all of us! Sometimes I'm met with great opposition - not this week. We all needed the break. Summer vacation can't come soon enough.