Wednesday, June 4

Sharing Knowledge

Shop Talk: I had a new experience today. Something that hasn't happened before. I was telling someone about my new venture as a freelance writer for children's magazines. She was genuinely interested, having just completed an English course and enjoying the writing aspect of it. She asked about what I'm working on. Here's where I had the new experience... I found myself wanting this woman to know everything I've learned about the history of baseball in our area. I babbled and blahed about it for too long I'm sure. I've never had a 'job' that I've been so interested in sharing with other people - aside from raising my children and we all LOVE to blab and blah about how fantastic our kids are. This was different - I was excited to share my knowledge with someone who didn't know what I do. I'm sure she wasn't as fascinated with the history of baseball in our area as I am - now - but I hope that my enjoyment of the topic at least interested her. Isn't that the job of a writer? - To pass on information in an interesting and fun way? It's so cool that one little question - what's the big deal with baseball in Pittsfield? - has turned into the makings of an article for children. The process is slow and sometimes tedious but I love the feeling of expanding my own knowledge (even if it is trivial bits of history) and passing that on to others.