Thursday, June 26

Sick of Bad News?

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of logging onto my computer only to be greeted by truck load of bad, bad news. For example, and I quote from the current Yahoo! homepage: "New storm threatens levees in Mo. town." or "Kroger recalls some ground beef linked to E. coli outbreaks." There's lots more but I'll spare you. Those two are actually tame compared to some of the ones on our local CBS website. It's depressing, scary, sad - AWFUL! Then there's the whole slew of stories that seem to surface daily about people who have been victimized (robbed, beaten, etc.) while passersby did NOTHING! Where have the Good Samaritans gone? And WHAT'S WRONG WITH US AS A SOCIETY? for crying out loud!!! Well, I for one have had enough of being blasted with the bad, bad, BAD news! I'm declaring my own little GOOD NEWS WEEK! I'm going to find (at least) one good news story to share with you all everyday for one week, starting today! The rules I'm setting for my GNW are simple. Stories must come from local or national headlines. And absolutely no entertainment, celebrity stories! Simple enough? So today's good news story is: This story from Brunswick, Maine. I love this story because the people from Independence Association became special to me when I was in hair school on Main Street in Brunswick and later when I worked at a bank there too. They are a sweet bunch who ask for so little and give so much. Their friendly smiles and glad to see you attitudes made my day alot. I'm glad that this story highlights something good being done for them. Take the time to read it, won't you?