Friday, May 9

What Will You Choose?

How does a whole week go by and I barely notice? Sorry 'bout that. It has been a busy week I suppose, but no busier than usual, maybe. We are on the verge on some exciting news but I fear it may be a bit soon to spill the beans. Stay tuned.

We have some new neighbors who moved in about a month ago. They are from India - not Indiana - India. He's an internist at our local hospital and she is a yoga, naturopath, organic guru of some sort. They have two children 11 & 9. Katie has become friends with the 11 year old girl. Super friendly people. They've been in the US for about 10 years - maybe a bit less. We've been invited for dinner at their home next Friday. I'm so looking forward to that! How often can you and your family experience another culture right in your own neighborhood. Miss Rosie is excited to cook us all an authentic Indian meal and insists she'll keep the spicy-ness to a minimum. Our other neighbors are going to be there too. I admit I'm a bit nervous about Becky and Allison's reactions. I'm actually going to give them a hearty snack a little while before we go - just in case. Allison is the one who will belt out "Mommy, I don't like this!" I will be speaking to her about her manners before we head over there believe me! Should be fun though, don't you think!?

I'm sure you noticed the absence of Shop Talk lately. Truth be told I've been preoccupied. I seem to let my time fill up with everything else right after I've mailed in an assignment. I do need to get my head back in it!

Little Miss graduates from preschool three weeks from today. I will no longer be the mother of a preschooler. Another chapter closed. The really great thing is that even though we close chapters in our lives, the book never ends. There's always more to it, new chapters, new beginnings. Of course some of you are thinking that death closes the book. But from my perspective, death begins a whole new, perfect, eternal chapter because I know Jesus. You can know him too. Tell Him you know you sin (we all sin!). Tell Him you're sorry. Ask for forgiveness. Tell Him you want to know Him and His spirit will fill you, heal you, transform you. If you believe this, do it! You and me will be part of the same book - the Book of Life - eternal life! Unfortunately, even if you never know Jesus as your savior, your book won't end in death either. The alternative to a perfect eternity is one that is dark, desperate, horrific, and completely separated from God. It's one or the other - and it's completely up to you. What will you choose?