Saturday, May 17

Open House Day

We're having our first Open House today. I'm nervous. I'm sure no one will come. And if they do come they'll hate my house, or think it's overpriced, or like the one for sale across the street better. I'm glad the realtor will be here instead of me. Once upon a time we sold a house ourselves and did the showings ourselves too. I don't remember being real nervous then. I have a kajillion things I need to be doing so this is going to have to be short. It seems Little Miss can make a mess faster than I can clean them up. Today is not a good day for messes. My plan is to keep her contained in one room and then clean that room last. We'll see how that goes. I got a new vacuum cleaner last night. It's a Dyson. I admit I'm particularly hard on vacuums. Belts break, bags clog, cords get chewed up, walls get ding marks in them from vacuum crashes - you get the point. So the logic behind spending the money on a Dyson is the fact that it has a lifetime warranty, which loosely translated means 5 years. 5 years! They claim I can hurl the thing down the stairs and it'll take it. I don't plan to try that but it is a testament to its durability. I put the thing together at 11:30 last night and quick tried it out on my bedroom carpet. So far so good. I'm anxious to give it a go on the rest of the house. We'll see if it's worth the money!

We went to our Indian neighbor's for dinner last night. Last night I learned all the names of the different foods we ate - today I can't remember any of them! I've never had Indian food before. It was delicious! This lady makes EVERYTHING from scratch! Not just from scratch but organic, natural scratch. She gets raw milk from a local farm and vegetables from a community farm where she plants things. She belongs to a food co-op as well. Natural, home grown food definitely tastes better! Kudos to her for working so hard to put healthy food into her family. I learned a bit about Indian culture too but that's another post.

Fast forward 9 hours...

The Open House went well. At least one couple seemed very interested and they were here for almost the entire hour of the Open House. They liked everything except the fact that the fireplace is gas instead of wood. They were very complimentary about everything else. Nice to hear good things.

We had the building inspection of the Tudor home. It went as expected. Our contract on that house was contingent on the inspection and its findings - meaning if the inspection revealed some costly issues we could back out. We love that house and really wanted to move forward with it but...decided to back out. I'm sad but confident that we made the right decision. There were some things that just didn't sit well with Ed & I. Some of them related to the inspection but some of them related to the location of the house as well. It's clear that God has put certain people in my path this last week to really reveal what He wanted me to know about the house. He is so good.