Wednesday, May 14

House For Sale

Yes, indeed. Our house is officially on the market. There's a sign out front and everything. Our painter guys are coming this morning to repaint the kitchen ceiling and start the front porch. Hopefully they'll finish by Saturday. We're having our first Open House and we'd like the house to look its best. So I'm sure you're wondering why. Well, we found this new place, we love it, seems like a good idea, end of story. Now of course there's a little more to it than that but that's it in a nutshell. I love the house we live in now. It has plenty of space, great layout, nice neighborhood. But the new place has something that this house will never have - character. The new place is a 100 year old Tudor style home with 6+ bedrooms, original woodwork, lots of nooks and crannies, and a big FLAT yard. Here's the listing picture:

As I said, it seems like a good idea. We are praying for God's clear direction and if He doesn't want us to move then our house won't sell and we'll stay put. I'm okay with that. I've learned not to push doors open but rather to wait and let God lead us where He wants us to be. This move will eventually require decisions about school for the girls and that is a huge part of what we are praying about. It's been kind of interesting the last couple of days how different people have crossed my path and talked with me about education options. One of them was a complete stranger. I'm not sure what to make of all the information I've gotten these last couple of days but I'm praying that God will help me sort it out. So, if you want to move to western Massachusetts I know of a great house for sale...