Tuesday, May 20

Go Away Boys!

The phone rang yesterday afternoon. I noticed from the caller ID that it was one of our neighbors. I figured they'd seen the for sale sign in our front yard and were calling with the usual curious questions. Imagine my surprise when a deep, male voice on the other end of the phone asked to speak to Katie! Katie wasn't home so the call ended after a brief couple of sentences. Apparently our 15 year old neighbor boy has a bit of a crush on my baby girl. Go away boy! Don't come back --- at least until Katie's 30!!! I find myself a bit unprepared for these things! Fortunately I've talked with Katie before about the fact that at this point we feel that she is too young to be taking calls from boys. She also understands that she is too young for a boy (same boy who called) to come over and ask if she can come outside with him. I totally understand having crushes and all that. I also understand that there is no real point in complicating the life of a 7th grader with a boyfriend!! As a society we push our children to grow up way too fast as it is. Katie was quite relieved when I told her about the call and then reinforced our previous conversations about boys calling. "Mom. I don't want to talk to any boy on the phone!" That's right Katie! Go away boys!!! Good grief! I have two more daughters coming up behind this one!!! Does anyone have the number for the local convent!?