Thursday, April 10

Good News!

Shop Talk: It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood. I checked my e-mail this morning and found an ACCEPTANCE from Stories For Children Magazine! Can you even believe it?? My article "My Dog Survived Hurricane Katrina" will be in their August issue! YAY! They'll even have a couple of pictures of sweet Lucy to accompany the article! I'm very excited! Becky said, "Now Lucy will be famous, Mom." I thought that was cute! Now I just need to wait some more to hear about the story I submitted to Pockets magazine. I also need to get my writing butt in gear and write MORE! The more I submit, the more chances I have to be published! Now I can go to my writer's conference with an acceptance under my belt! That's good.

Yesterday was Becky's birthday. She's such an incredibly sweet little girl and I'm the luckiest mom on the planet to have her as my daughter. She's kind, compassionate, loving, goofy, and dramatic. I love her to pieces. We celebrated last weekend with an American Girl Mystery Party where each of her friends played a character from the Kit series and together we acted out the story to find out what happened to Mother's pearl necklace. It was really fun! It warms a mother's heart to see her child surrounded by friends who genuinely like her, want to be with her, and appreciate her friendship. Becky has nice friends. Last night we celebrated with Becky's favorite dinner of homemade mac and cheese and an ice cream cake. She opened more gifts and then the girls went out to play for a little while before it was time to get ready for bed. I think she had a nice birthday. No more birthdays for a little while - Ed's is in May but I don't think I need to plan any parties for him and his friends!

Little Miss and I have had a loungy sort of morning. She actually spent about 45 minutes in the tub playing. She's just now all dressed and it's lunch time! We do need to run an errand this afternoon but it'll be quick. The weather has been gorgeous the last few days and today will be too!

Happy Thursday!