Monday, April 14

Just Shop Talk

So Laurie Halse Anderson, key note speaker at the SCBWI conference, presented the challenge of writing EVERY day for 15 minutes. Of course more time is better, especially if you actually want to FINISH a project. Blogging counts so I thought I'd do that first. I do plan to spend some time on my projects in a little bit. She also suggested using writing prompts to help us work on our weaknesses. I've thought of that before but just haven't done it. Her whole talk was about being COMMITTED to the craft of writing. I came away feeling very motivated but still doubting my ability. Towards the end of the talk she said, "If you have the dream, you have what it takes to fulfill it." Hmmm... I have the dream but... I can list a million reasons why I won't fulfill my dream and yet I listened to the workshop speakers talk about how they were exactly where I am right now and they've achieved big things. Why can't I? I suppose I can. Another inspiring quote I've heard before is, The difference between published and unpublished authors is perseverance. True. I know that I have a tendency to avoid things that I find difficult to do. And yet, I find myself willing to endure the writing challenge. By the way, I told you all of my acceptance last week. Well, on Friday I got a rejection letter from Pockets. Bummer. It's the nature of the writing business I suppose. Anyway, the conference was great. The drive was long to get there, the day was long with workshop after workshop, and the drive home was even longer! But, I'm so glad I went and I can't wait to implement the things I learned.