Monday, April 7

Ah, Peace

What a week we've had. I won't go into the details, but let's just say that things I thought would work out didn't. And, ironically, I'm glad they didn't. Something I thought I really wanted turned out to be something I don't want at all. And something I wanted to make happen is something that I'm okay waiting for, for now. Ah, peace. So, onward and upward...

Shop Talk: I'm well into Assignment 8 where I'm preparing outlines and a synopsis of two articles and a story. Sounds easy enough, right? However, I'm finding that getting ideas out of my head and onto paper (or a computer screen) is very challenging. In my head the ideas are chunks of information that aren't organized. They come onto the page that way too but then I can see them and move them around, add to them, or delete them altogether. Getting them on the page is hard. Have you ever thought something but had a hard time putting those thoughts into words? That's how this is for me. Another difficult element is that the research isn't complete with these articles (and it isn't supposed to be yet) and so outlining what I think I want to include is sometimes impossible. According to the expert people who put together my writing course, that's okay! I can fill in the blanks later. I've completed one outline and have started on my story synopsis. I'm pretty sure of my story idea. And I have a good idea for my other article too. I think it will be about baseball. The city I can see from my bedroom window claims it is "the birthplace of baseball" and my article will explore that claim. Should be interesting. I'm hoping I can get lots of good info from our local library!
In other Shop Talk news, I'm going to the SCBWI conference this weekend. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm sure I'll come away with TONS of great information - I just hope I don't get too overwhelmed!

We are enjoying a fabulous spring day! Temps in the upper 40's with bright sunshine! The street sweepers were out in full force swishing up the winter grime and road construction crews are repairing winter's damage. Folks in our neighborhood have begun raking away the debris from dead grass and old leaves and our pool is melted and ready for cleanup! Signs of spring are everywhere with more appearing everyday - I love Spring!