Monday, March 10


So something really weird happened this morning. I went to Target after I brought the girls to school to finish up some birthday shopping for Allison. As I was walking to my van I noticed a pickup truck pull forward in the parking space close to my van. No problem. I kept my eye on the truck and got to my van. As I was opening my door I could see the reflection of the guy in the truck in my window - he took my picture. Weird. Very weird. I got in my van and locked the door. I kept looking at him to see if he'd look at me but his head was turned. Finally he did turn - I gave him a funny look, pulled forward and took note of his plate number. It bothered me all the way home. I called Ed and he said I should definitely call the police. So I did. The officer there was very nice and told me he was heading to Target right now to see if the truck was still there. Hopefully he'll call me and let me know if he finds anything out. This is bothering me. I feel like I put myself in a vulnerable position and I'm mad at myself for it. What could I have done differently? I'll be thinking about that.

On a lighter note...Blogger isn't letting me post some very cute pictures from Allison's birthday party yesterday. I'll try again later.

Time to go to Becky's school for library, then lunch and recess!