Wednesday, March 5

Shop Talk, Dinner, and The Dentist

Shop Talk: Remember I told you my article was rejected at the magazine I submitted it to? Well, I've got another magazine in mind. It's a free online magazine so if my article is published you will all be able to read it! Anyway, I've been spending some time going over the article. I'm amazed at how my writing has progressed since I did that article as assignment 4! I was able to spot some weaknesses in the piece and tighten things up a bit. I need to do a bit more research on my topic because I'd like to include a side bar of sorts. You know, with some interesting facts related to the article. I'm excited about the possibilities! On another note, I'm already loving my new critique group! What an interesting group of women with varied backgrounds. Everyone seems ultra supportive and eager to help each other succeed. I'm truly looking forward to getting to know them more. Not to mention the inspiration that comes from shop talk with other writers!

Last night I made a yummy chicken dish that even my children loved. Try it out.

Italian Chicken

Boneless chicken breast
1 can diced tomatoes
Minced garlic
Minced onion
Sliced tomato
Sliced mozzarella

Heat oven to 325 degrees. Place chicken in casserole dish and cover with diced tomatoes. Sprinkle with basil, garlic and onions (however much you want, sorry that's how I cook)
Cook for 5o min. Top with sliced tomatoes and cheese. Let cheese melt. That's it.
Serve with whole wheat linguine noodles and your favorite vegetable and voila! Enjoy.

I went to the dentist ts morning. It was my first time at this particular dentist. I liked her a lot. The office was very nice and everyone was friendly. However, she wants to remove my wisdom teeth. I've known for several years that they need to come out. I've been avoiding it. I don't like the dentist - remember? She assured it wouldn't be a big deal - basic Novocaine, no anesthesia. I've heard TOO MANY horror stories to believe her! I made the appointment however. There is some satisfaction in knowing that I am acting responsibly but it doesn't really make me less nervous! I've got a household to run people! Children to care for! I can not be incapacitated for ANY length of time! Deeeeep Breath..... I'm sure it will be fine.