Tuesday, March 4

50 Things About Me

My friend, Heather, did this a few days ago. Thought I'd give it a try. Now, don't go falling asleep or anything...it's not very exciting! Here goes...

1. I'm a relatively light sleeper.
2. I tend drive a bit OFFENSIVELY.
3. Peanut M&M's are my favorite movie snack.
4. In terms of Felix and Oscar (think Odd Couple), I'm most definitely a Felix.
5. I'm nit picky about proper spelling.
6. I met my mother in law while sitting in the back of a police cruiser after I smashed up Ed's car
7. The accident was not my fault!
8. I totally lied about the whole accident to my mom.
9. I totally got caught.
10. She made me call my dad (who was on deployment in Spain) and tell him what I did - that was the WORST punishment she could have given me!
11. I'm a Daddy's girl and proud of it.
12. Before I had children I hoped I'd have three little boys.
13. God gave me three little girls instead.
14. I can not imagine myself raising boys now.
15. I'd rather scrub the toilet than go to the Dentist. I go to the dentist tomorrow...
16. I don't relax well.
17. I am rather computer illiterate.
18. I always wanted to learn to play the piano.
19. I never wanted to practice though.
20. I can read music a tiny bit
21. I lived overseas for two years.
22. It was one of the best experiences of my life.
23. I'd love to go back to the Azores someday.
24. I'm practical.
25. We have a jacuzzi tub in our bathroom.
26. In two years I've never used it.
27. See number 16.
28. I don't drink coffee - never have.
29. I loved Bon Jovi in high school.
30. I still do.
31. I used to be a licensed cosmetologist.
32. I hated it.
33. The smell of wet hair still makes me gag!
34. I had a favorite stuffed dog as a child named "Doggy" Allison has a "doggy too.
35. I still have my wisdom teeth.
36. I only have two though, don't know what happened to the other two.
37. I love baby feet.
38. I don't like grown up feet.
39. I'm allergic to horses.
40. Cats bother me too.
41. I'm a dog person all the way.
42. I'm not athletic
43. At all!
44. I'm also not very competitive.
45. I don't like to get dirty
46. I don't like most vegetables
47. In general, I am not an adventurous eater.
48. I'm not a morning person...or a night owl...what does that make me??
49. I worked at a hot dog stand for 3 weeks - I hated it -
50. I love to people watch!