Friday, March 28


We're all still here thanks to the heroism of my husband! I'll get to that in a minute. First I need to confess the awful thing I did to Katie. Becky, Allie, and I pretty much ignored the fact that the giant monstrosity of a spider was blocking the basement door until Katie got home... I wanted to know if it was still there. So without telling Katie about the spider I asked her to open the basement door and look at the top step. I know - awful, right? Keep reading. She peeked in and said she didn't see anything. I asked her to move the mop. She did and proceeded to COME COMPLETELY UNGLUED! She screamed and danced her way around the kitchen like a crazy person while I about peed my pants from laughing so hard!! I know - awful. I couldn't help it. My fear of this spider clouded my otherwise good judgement. I admit I was relieved that he hadn't moved. We continued to ignore him in hopes that Ed would save us when he got home. Then my dad called after reading the post about the humungo spider. I'm sure that deep down it was parental concern that made him call, not the desire for a good laugh at my expense!! Anyway, while my parents were on the phone I bravely snapped a couple of pictures of Goliath (that's what I'll call him from now on). After repeatedly disturbing him, Goliath still didn't move. I was convinced he was dead. Phew! NOT TRUE! It was all part of Goliath's sneak attack plans! He was merely playing dead! When Ed got home he looked on the step for the spider and he was GONE!!! Goliath was crawling down the wall, undoubtedly going to gather his spider friends to help in the takeover of our home! Fortunately Ed bravely grabbed a 2 X 4 (I'm not kidding) and whacked Goliath into oblivion! I'm sorry for the graphic photo of Goliath after he was squished. I may blow it up and hang it downstairs as a warning to all the other spiders of what will happen to them if they start getting any crazy ideas again!

I know he doesn't look very big in this photo but if you could blow it up you'd see that the flash actually produced red eye!!! Only ginormous spiders get red eye when you take their picture people!

Goliath after his demise... Notice the 2 x4 Ed is balancing him on. LOL!