Friday, February 29

Allison and Her Questions

Yesterday Allison was my shadow. She wanted all of my attention, all of the time. If I left her sight for a nano second she'd be calling, "Mom? Where are you?" I tried not to sigh too loudly as I answered, "I'll be right back Allie." I love that little girl more than life itself, but I admit I was feeling a bit smothered. She is always moving, thinking, and asking questions, very hard questions! Last night as I was getting ready to lay her in bed she says, "Mom, why did Jesus glue our fingernails down?" I stifled a giggle and admitted that while I'm sure Jesus didn't use glue, I don't really know how our fingernails stay on. That made her more convinced that He did use glue. I mean, if mom doesn't have a better answer, then glue it is! She comes up with those sorts of questions all the time! She amazes me with her energy, her insight, and her ability to express herself. And as exhausting as days like yesterday were, I wouldn't trade them for ANYTHING!

Shop Talk: Next week is Book In a Week. My goal is 10 pages. That's alot and probably not at all realistic. I'll be happy with five! I've been working on a plot for my book. The characters are coming along nicely. The setting is a school. But creating the conflict and resolution always cause me grief. I'm feeling pretty good about what I'm developing now though. We'll see where it takes me.
I just joined an online critique group. This is a group of writers who evaluate each others work, pointing out the positives as well as changes that will make the piece stronger. I know I need a group like this to keep me motivated to write once I finish my course. It can be lonely on your own as a writer and having a network of other writers to commiserate with is vital to success! I'm looking forward to it!
I mailed off Assignment 7 this morning. Nick is on his way to be critiqued by my instructor. I feel really good about the story. I worked hard at tailoring it to a specific magazine so hopefully after a bit of polishing and minor changes suggested by my instructor, I'll be able to submit it! I can't believe in three more lessons I'll be finished with the course! They tell you to expect to take 2 years to finish. I'm on track to finish much sooner. April will be one year for me and I think, at this rate, I'll finish by September. YAY!