Friday, December 21

This & That

I keep forgetting to post this funny little conversation Allison and I had.
Me: Allison, you need to brush your teeth now.
Allison: But Mom, I just ate a candy can so my bref doesn't stink!

There are no typos in there, that's just what she said. I will be so sad when she starts saying all her words properly! j

The girls are officially wound up due to the excitement of Christmas! I think now that school is out for vacation it all seems really close! We had our cookie party tonight which was a lot of fun. Rebecca invited a new friend from school who seems to be very sweet and she lives pretty close to us so maybe we'll be able to get the girls together for play dates! Anyway, there were parties at school today (junk food) and the party here (junk food) so they are riding on a sugar high at he moment! Better get them in bed before they crash. Crashing is never pretty! We're going to be monitoring the sugar intake carefully this weekend!

Lucy got a bath at Petco today. They used special Christmas shampoo so now my dog smells like a sugar cookie - yes, for real. It's actually more like a sugar cookie covered in dog smell. I guess it's a good smell. She's all shiny and soft. We had to bring one of Becky's friends home tonight and while we were gone Lucy ate Becky's gingerbread house. She must've been eyeing it all afternoon and then as soon as we were out of here she devoured it. Silly animal!

I finished my shopping today. YAY! I want to avoid the mall at all costs this weekend. It will be so crazy there! Ed LOVES to shop with the crazy people! I don't get it! I have to wrap now. As a matter of fact I think I will do some wrapping tonight!

Here's another nice Christmas link. It's the song Mary Did You Know which is one of my very favorite Christmas songs. Check it out.