Tuesday, September 4

Back to School

Today is the first day of school for Katie and Becky. They both did great getting back into the routine of getting up and ready. Katie cooperated for a couple of pictures before she left and she even let me walk her to the bus stop and wait with her there. That turned out to be a good thing because I met a neighbor who I haven't had the opportunity to meet before and her daughter is in sixth grade. Maybe she and Katie will become friends now that they are in the same school! Becky was more willing to have her picture taken and I was noticing how BIG that child looks these days!! I tell you, one blink and they're all grown up! Ed and I (and Allison) took Becky to school where I got a few more pictures and got to meet her teacher. She seems very nice. Then Allison and I went to her school for a clean up day - that was fun too - not the cleaning part but catching up with other moms from school. One lady said something that I thought was kind of funny. We'd been there for an hour or so and several people had come and gone during that time. Each time someone came in I'd say hi, you know, whatever. Well this lady says, "Lisa knows everyone! How do you know so many people?" That cracked me up, one because we've only lived here for a year and a half; and two because I don't really feel like I know very many people at all! I just happen to know lots of moms of preschool aged children!! It also helps that I have a child in middle school, one in elementary school, and one in preschool - I'm all over the place! It kind of made me feel like we're really becoming part of this community, not just people who live here - that's a good thing.

Before I post some very cute pictures of my children I have a complaint. Not that any of you can do anything about my complaint. It's really just venting. Here goes: We were at Sears the other day and Ed wanted to look at TVs (Ed always wants to look at TVs!). I strolled into the TV section with my children when I noticed a very questionable show on ALL the TVs. Then I noticed that it was a preview for a movie - a rated R movie! Another preview came on after that - also rated R! What's up with that?! I didn't realize that you needed to be over 17 to shop for a TV! When did that happen!? Clearly this isn't right. Something needs to be done. Whatever. I don't really want a new TV anyway - I just wanted to vent. I won't be shopping for a TV at Sears with my children again.

Okay. Here's the cute pics from this morning.