Saturday, May 6

Pizza Party

Our pizza party was a big success. We had 13 girls including Katie. What a fun bunch they were. It was interesting to see them all and learn a little bit about them. At least two of them have "boyfriends" and half of them play soccer. Only a couple of them are actually in Katie's class, and 2 that I know of are the oldest of three girls at home. Most of them see boys as obnoxious and annoying, at least that's what they said. They were polite and funny and respectful. We had planned some games to play but they really did their own thing outside. They were on the swingset or playing some game they do in P.E. and at one point several of them made a little symphony of grass blade whistlers! We made ice cream sundaes and for the record, Chocholate Chip Cookie Dough is the top ranking flavor among 11 year old girls. It was also nice to chat with the parents as they dropped off or picked up their girls. What a really nice group of people. I think Katie had a fun time, I know I did.

Here's Katie at her party. She seemed to be having fun.

Today's soccer game didn't go so great. They lost 3-0. Pretty disapointing. Katie played well, her whole team played well. The other team wasn't even that good, but their goal tender was good. They had several shots on goal but just couldn't get anything by her. Tomorrow's game will be better. Today was their first away game. We played in this georgeous town with mountains on every side. The scenery was distracting it was so pretty. It was a little cool and it stayed cloudy all afternoon, but we escaped any rain showers.

Becky's hamster is history. We brought the foolish little thing to Petco so some other unsuspecting person can bring it home. This hamster was mean. It bit anyone who put their hands in it's cage. When Ed and Becky brought it to Petco the lady put the hamster in a cage with several other hamsters. Right away it started attacking all the other hamsters. The lady took it out and said she'd never seen one so vicious! We're getting Becky some fish instead. She'd like a puppy, but no, fish will have to do. I'll post pictures of the tank once it is set up.

Gas prices average $2.85 here, which I guess isn't so bad compared to some places. Temps today in the 60's briefly then dropped into the 50's, overcast with some showers. Tomorrow warmer and more sun. No sales tax on clothing in MA. Can you believe that?! Instead they tax us on everything else. They don't call it Taxachusetts for nothing. Did you know they call people from Maine, Maniacs?! I did not know this. I haven't told anyone what we from Maine call them.

Great day to all!