Friday, May 19

Allison or Becky?

As I've been studying the scripture passages Pastor Dave sends each day regarding the DaVinci Code, I have come to the definate conclusion that no matter what we face that challenges our faith, it boils down to the fact that it is our FAITH that keeps us believing what we believe. Faith - Believing without seeing, trusting, listening to the voice inside. Not everyone has faith in God or the Bible. They are the ones who are seeking a way to the truth. That's where the controversy comes in I guess. Religious groups fear for the ones with no faith. They fear the faithless will take what the read or see in The DaVinci Code and believe it's true. God created us with a soul. It is our soul that seeks the peace and contentment we can find in a relationship with our Creator. Every soul seeks the same peace and contentment. Unfortunately, some search pathways that can never lead to God. That's where the Believer comes in. We need to share our faith with those who are seeking. This movie may provide oppurtunities to lead a seeker to the peace and contentment that we know through our relationship with Jesus. Therefore, I don't feel that I need to defend what I believe, I just need to share it. I hope some of this makes sense. It was a good week of study for me, I learned a lot, and I am hopeful that I passed something of value onto someone. And thank you Deborah and Lisa for your helpful and insightful comments, they meant a lot.
We had a spider incident this morning. If you know me at all you know that any confrontation with a spider is an incident. I love to start my day with the words, "Mom there's a spider in my room!" When these words are spoken by Katie they are usually spoken with a bit of hysteria (I don't know where she gets that.) I went to look in her room and didn't see it. Katie pointed out that it was on the ceiling, over her bed...the worst place to try to kill a spider, especially when you are SCARED of the foolish thing! I bravely took off my slipper and stood on the bed within reach of the nickle size, black, yucky, spider! I couldn't do it. We all (by this time Becky and Allison were standing in the doorway watching) just watched the thing walk around the ceiling light. All of a sudden it started to drop!!! There was a collective SCREAM from all of us! It landed on the bed. I knew if I didn't smoosh it fast it would get away!!! Not only would it get away, it might've gotten into the covers somehow! Katie would never sleep in her bed again! With all the courage I could muster I KILLED it! There were several spider pieces to clean up when I was done, I wanted to be thorough, actually I would've FREAKED OUT if that thing wasn't dead so I HAD to be thorough. What a way to start the day.
My parents are coming down this weekend. We are going to Six Flags. I can't wait for them to ride Superman, they're going to be so scared!!! I will definately not be riding it again. Allison, Becky and I will find something less life threatening to do while the rest of them do that one! Hopefully the weather will cooperate, it's supposed to. I'll let you know how the folks do on the ride. Maybe I'll take before the ride, and after the ride photos of them!! Sorry Mom and Dad, it's not that bad really...
By the way, the picture at the top is Becky. She was 3. It's the perfect picture of springtime, don't you think so?
Have a terrific weekend!!