Saturday, April 25

I Love The Sound of Children Playing On The Back Deck!

It's been too long since my children have run through the sprinkler or squealed with delight at the sight of a ladybug. Today Allison's neighborhood friends are over. At the moment they are playing 'house' with Allison's kitchen set and baby dolls. It was so nice out that we dragged everything out to the back deck. Summer may be on its way after all. It's 84 degrees out as I type this! YAY!

Ed and Katie are at Home Depot getting supplies to build me a raised vegetable garden! I can't wait to see it all set up! This year we will start small with just a few tomato plants, green beans, strawberries and a blackberry bush. If I feel really ambitious perhaps we'll try for a pumpkin or two. Mostly just things my family really loves - what a pathetically small list, hmmm... Anyway, if we experience a measure of success this year then we'll expand the garden next year. I had Ed reading the Pioneer Woman's excellent post on raised beds to see how she did hers. She is, after all, an expert on all things relating to country living- and gardens are a part of country living! Photos to come...

The dog got her first outdoor bath of the season today. She was shivering a bit by the time we were done. Sorry, Lucy. That black coat lying in the sun warmed up pretty quickly though!

That's enough of my rambling for a summery Saturday. Happy Weekend!