Thursday, April 23

Another Favorite Blog of Mine

I was just reading another one of my favorite blogs and I really feel compelled to share it with you. It's the NieNie Dialogues. You. Must. Read. This. Blog. This woman, Stephanie Nielson, was in a private plane crash back in August. This blog chronicles her slow and painful recovery, but she does it in such a gentle way. Her love for her family, her faith in her God, and her sense of humor keep her going. She's an amazing woman - a true inspiration to all who visit her site. Go there now!! You'll be so glad you did...

Can you believe I'm posting two days in a row?! Me either! Crazy stuff, I tell ya.

It's raining out. And it's cold. BUT - tomorrow is supposed to be SUMMER!! YAY! To celebrate the impending arrival of warm weather the girls and I will go do some summer clothes shopping! At T.J. Maxx - where you get the MAX for the MINIMUM! HA! Then we may have to trek down to south county to the Outlet shops. I got a great coupon in the mail from Carter's - I love Carter's but I'm afraid Allison is getting too big to shop there. I think we can still get her some things for this year but that may it - forever. Sniff. I also have a coupon for Osh Kosh. They carry larger sizes and Becky may even fit into things from there, but let's face it, what 10 year old girl wants to wear Osh Kosh when her friends are wearing Aeropostale! I wouldn't do that to her. Katie is another story. Have you seen how SHORT the shorts are!? EEEGADS! Or they are completely the opposite - can you say BERMUDA length - which I happen to think is very cute-I just wish there was some kind of happy medium! How come boys' shorts are completely modest, baggy, and unrevealing? Unless of course they pull them down around their BUTT and have their UNDERWEAR hanging out - but that's a discussion for another time...

I think maybe I should comb Allison's hair now - I mean it is 11:30 in the morning after all...Happy Thursday!