Thursday, January 29

Hitting A Wall...

Ugh. What a day. Have you ever 'hit a wall' where you just have NOTHING left for energy? I tell you what...that's exactly what happened to me at the grocery store today. I got there with all the gusto necessary to get things done but as I hurried through the aisles my motor ran down. By the time I was in the cracker and cookie aisle I could've literally laid down and taken a nap!! The problem is that I still have LOTS to do before I can close my heavy eyelids. I think my whole plan for getting things accomplished today got tipped of its axis when I worked an extra hour this morning - spent a half an hour shovelling the incredibly heavy mountain deposited at the end of the driveway - lay in a comatose state for another 15 minutes trying to recover - and then hurried off to piano lessons, which I had forgotten about, taking another hour and a half out of the afternoon. I also won't tell you what my dog - who is apparently not done with her stomach issues - left for me to clean up in the family room (on the wood floor, thankfully)!! Biiiiiggggg Sigh. However, instead of making myself grouchy with thoughts of what must be done RIGHT NOW, I've simply decided that I just won't work tomorrow morning if school calls and asks me to. I will get my things done then - while my beautiful children are at school, before my parents get here, later, not tonight. Tonight I will SLEEP - after I go spend some fun time with the girlies before they are off to dreamland. Ahhhhh...