Thursday, December 11

Here We Go Again...

The girls are home today. It's a Snow Day! Funny thing is, we aren't getting any snow--or ice--or sleet--or any combination of the three. It's actually raining--pure, 100% rain. Interesting. We are part of a regional school district and parts of our district are at high elevations where they are getting all kinds of wintry weather - I guess. So, the cautious thing to do is cancel school completely. I surely hope this isn't the beginning of a string of snow days like last year. The girls had something like 11 snow days and were going to school until June 22nd! This storm (we are officially under an ice storm warning) is supposed to last until tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is our anniversary. Ed is off from work and we are planning to do some Christmas shopping (which I am severely behind in!) and hit the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. Those plans won't be possible with three girls lurking about. Please, no snow day tomorrow!

I filled up my vehicle for $17.15 today. I put in 17 1/2 gallons of gas. That's right, I got my gas for 97 cents a gallon! Our grocery store has this fuel advantage program where we get 10 cents off a gallon of gas for every $50 we spend. And it accumulates. So this time I saved 80 cents per gallon! I think the last time I filled up for less than a dollar a gallon was back in high school when I'd go to Charter and put $5 worth in my mom's Nissan Sentra. Interestingly enough it seems that the prices of everything else at the grocery store are going up--WAY up! I think I'm going to check out our other grocery store and do a little bit of comparison shopping. I'm wondering if the 10 cents off per gallon of gas may be an expensive gimmick to suck us unsuspecting shoppers in. Hmmm.....

Today the girls and I are going to make cinnamon ornaments. I found adorable little cookie cutters at Michael's yesterday. They are perfect for the ornaments! I haven't made them before but I've had one hanging on our tree ever since Ed & I got married. That was one of the most wonderful things about getting married at Christmastime - we got lots of Christmas ornaments as gifts! I love ornaments and the ones we received that year are very special to me! Anyway, the cinnamon ornaments are a piece of cake to make - or so I'm told. I'll take some pictures of our finished products and post them with the recipe later on.

Thought I should post this before the "Two Front Teeth" aren't missing anymore! :)