Wednesday, June 11

I Love the Library

Shop Talk: These last two days Allison has spent three hours at school for a 'camp' of sorts. I decided to sign her up so I could get some serious writing done. And it's working. Yesterday I spent two hours at the library where the most wonderful woman helped me find photographs, she dug out maps for me to look at, and piled stacks of folders containing everything I could possibly want/need to know about baseball's history in Pittsfield and the meeting house that was the inspiration for the whole law that put Pittsfield on the baseball map! (Wow, that was a lonnnng sentence!) It was AWESOME! I originally went there to firm up the sources I accumulated last visit. Then I just got sucked into the whole research thing and couldn't help myself! I poured over countless newspaper articles jotting more notes and finding TONS of interesting tidbits that had nothing to do with my article but were fascinating none the less! I came away with a couple of ideas for articles that I can't wait to tackle! This area is a history lovers mecca! So, I'm on my second draft of the baseball article and I'm liking it more with each revision. Beginnings are important and also difficult for me, especially with this history piece. But I think I have a nice solid lead paragraph that makes the reader itch for more. The middle is factual but interesting and informative. And the closing paragraph ties it all together. I'll read it over again tomorrow with fresh eyes and make some more changes. Then I need to get my bibliography done and a query letter. That's the icing on the cake really.

Our house is still on the market and we are still planning to buy a new place. There are so many charming old homes out there and it seems like a good time to make the move so we're going for it. The hard part is preparing for open houses and showings. I feel like a slave to housework lately; always having to stay on top of things. I no sooner dusted the living room table when I turned around it was completely covered in yellow, powdery pollen! I was tempted to slam every window in the house shut but the fabulous breeze beckoned me to tolerate the pollen so I could enjoy its refreshingness. ERRR! We have a showing tomorrow morning and I've tried like the dickens to get as much as possible done today so I don't have to cut into my writing time tomorrow. I think I have a pretty good handle on things. One nice thing is that we're getting company this weekend so I needed to clean house anyway. Ah, two birds with one stone - nice.

Must get ready to watch Home Improvement on Nick at Nite. That show cracks me up!!