Wednesday, May 28

No Cooperation!

Katie doesn't like me to take her picture. This is a problem. I find it very frustrating that my sweet, darling daughter won't smile pretty and say cheese. So in retaliation I'm posting these lovely pictures from the other day. They document Katie's uncooperativeness perfectly...

"Smile pretty!" Oh, no! Look out for the arm that's trying to swat at the camera!

"Mom...are you taking my picture?"
"MOM! Don't take my picture!" Check out that furrowed brow. I just love that phrase-furrowed brow...
"Fine. Take the picture. But you can't make me smile. Heh."

Maybe after I show Katie these FABULOUS pictures posted on my blog she'll think twice before deciding NOT to "smile pretty!"

Shop Talk: I've started to write my baseball article. I'm finding that making the facts fun is a little tricky. I mean, sure they're interesting and all that, but are they fun? Even with non-fiction the information can read like a story. Maybe that's the angle I need to take. The other thing I need to work out is the timeline and where to start. It's possible to start at one point and then refer back to another point in the time line. That sounds kind of confusing, sorry. This morning I sat and typed trying not to get hung up on perfection. I can move paragraphs, add facts, whatever, later on.

Allison's preschool graduation is Friday. I'm a little sad that preschool is over. I'll miss seeing her teachers and the other parents. I'll miss the security of knowing there is one teacher for every five children. Preschool is such a fun age. They're full of curiosity, energy, and innocence. I love that. They also struggle for independence, stretch boundaries, and push limits. It's a huge time of physical and emotional growth for them. I've thoroughly enjoyed having preschool aged children. Allison is excited about Kindergarten so I will put on a brave face and be excited with her because that's what mom's do. But inside my heart is just a little bit broken.