Wednesday, March 19

My E-mail Submission

Shop Talk: I'm about to hyperventilate. I just e-mailed my article to Stories For Children magazine! I was so nervous to hit the send button. I wanted to make sure I formatted everything correctly and included all the right things. Their submission guidelines clearly state that if you don't format correctly, or exceed the word count, or don't include the right things they will disregard your submission. After all the work I've done to prepare the ms for submission having it rejected on a technicality would be awful! I spent some time yesterday going over my bibliography and adding some side bar facts to the piece. Ed read it over last night and commented on how much it's changed/improved since I first wrote it. Katie liked the changes I made as well. I know you're wondering what the article is about. Alright, I'll tell you. It's about Lucy and how Hurricane Katrina changed her life and the lives of many pets. The magazine is doing an Animal Shelter feature in August so I submitted the article with that slant in mind. I'm hoping the fact that Katrina's third anniversary being August 29 will help too. We'll see. It takes weeks to find out if they'll want it or not. I admit I liked the e-mail submission process better than mailing it out. This particular magazine only accepts e-mail subs. I hope that one day really soon I'll be able to tell you where to find my published article!