Tuesday, January 22


So, where have I been? Quite honestly I've been contemplating giving up the Blog. Then I started to think of maybe giving my blog some sort of direction like some sort of theme or something. I haven't come to any conclusions really. I guess you'll have to check back and see if I decide on something.

Good News: My brother is coming to visit! He hasn't been out here yet and I'm so excited that he's coming. YAY!

Frustrating News: I have not heard from the magazine I submitted my article to yet. It's so difficult to wait.

Bad News: The creepy crud found Becky. She was sick Friday night and then ran a fever all day Saturday. Hopefully my valiant attempts to de-germ the house will prove effective in keeping the rest of us healthy!

I know this is a rather pathetic post but I have to get Becky to swimming lessons. More to come...